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Objects Models

objects image

The object are broken up into groups covering different functions of operation and deployment.

While the diagram and sorting put each object in a single group. Often times objects will cross groupings to be consumed or drive operations.


Machine objects can create records in DNS Zone objects.


The Machine, Cluster, and Resource Broker objects reference Content objects.

Multi-Site Objects

These objects provide the basis for Managers to manage endpoints.

RBAC Objects

These objects control who and how entities have access to the systems.

System Objects

These objects control aspects of the individual endpoint artifacts and configuration.

Content Objects

These objects define what can be done. They are the operations, provisioning, and flow that machines and clusters are driven through. They also define the additional actions that can taken against the runner objects as well.


Provisioning or Clustering will use the Content objects to define how something should be installed and configured.


Batch will use the Content objects to define how something should be done.

Runner Objects

These objects use Content objects to run the tasks. Runner describe what and when is executed in the system.

Execution Objects

These objects track the results of Runner objects executing Content objects.

Networking Objects

These objects define how the system should provide DHCP and DNS services in the environment.

Other Objects

These objects are added by plugin providers to enhance operations by storing new data.

GREG: Add Activity (system) and IPMI Scan objects (other)