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Deploying Linux with Universal Workflows (#rs_kb_00061)

This document outlines how to quickly get up and running using the Content Pack named Universal to drive Linux OS installations.

Note that in DRP v4.6.0 release, the standard Linux install "base" workflows (eg centos-7-base, ubuntu-20.04-base, etc) are deprecated in favor of this procedure.

The Universal workflows allow the Operator of a DRP system to quickly utilize advanced zero touch operations, along with customizable workflow chaining capabilities. This document only very briefly touches on a simplified use of the Universal capabilities. Please see the Additional Resources at the end of this document for links to more advanced usages.


Most Universal usage is designed to start from the workflow universal-discover, which then chains through different workflows automatically based on Params and map values. For this use case, we will use the universal-linux-install workflow to drive standard Linux OS deployments.

Many previously existing "base" workflows are already provided as pre-existing profiles. When using these, the process can skip step 1.

Example pre-existing profiles are:

  • universal-application-centos-7
  • universal-application-centos-8
  • universal-application-fedora-31
  • universal-application-fedora-33
  • universal-application-debian-8
  • universal-application-debian-9
  • universal-application-debian-10
  • universal-application-ubuntu-18.04
  • universal-application-ubuntu-20.04
  • others can be check by searching for universal-application- among the profiles

If customization is required, the process is generally very straighforward and simple, requiring only four steps:

  • Create a profile that defines the Linux OS to install, and any customizations
  • Apply the profile to your target Machine(s)
  • Set the universal-linux-install workflow on the Machine(s)
  • Relax and wait for the installer to complete

Below are more detailed usage steps.

Step 1: Create a Profile

First create a Profile that sets at a minimum:

  • the parameter universal/application to the name of the profile being created without the universal-application- prefix
  • adds a Linux specific Universal Profile as a basis


Supported OS versions can be determined by reviewing the existing list universal-application-* profiles. Custom OSes can be selected if BootEnvs are on the system.


The name of the profile must start with universal-application-.

The below example assumes installation of CentOS 7. You can substitute centos-7 for any number of supported OS version (eg ubuntu-20.04, debian-10, rhel-server-8.3-full, etc.)

drpcli profiles create '{ "Name": "universal-application-my-centos-7", "Profiles": [ "universal-application-centos-7" ], "Params": { "universal/application": "my-centos-7" } }'

Or in the Portal (UX):

  • Go to Profiles in the menu, and click the Add button at the top
  • In the Name field enter universal-application-my-centos-7
  • In the Profiles field enter universal-application-centos-7
  • In the Params, type universal/application, select the green Plus button
  • Enter my-centos-7 in the universal/application Param field after you've added it
  • Click the Save and Exit at the bottom of the form

Customization of the deployed Operating System can be done by adding any other supported OS Param values to your Profile.


If you are installing a custom OS version that is not defined in the enum list, you will also have to create a similarly matching Profile. Follow the universal-application-centos-7 profile as an example.

Step 2: Add the Profile to your Machine(s)

Once the profile is created, associate it with the Machine(s) you wish to install.

# you can select machines by Name:[NAME] or replace it with the Machines UUID value
drpcli machines addprofile my-centos7

Or in the Portal (UX):

  • Go to the Machines in the left side menu
  • Select the check box for all Machines you wish to install
  • Select the Profiles tab in the top center Bulk Actions panel
  • Type universal-application-my-centos-7 in the input field
  • Click the Plus icon to add to the selected Machines

Step 3: Start the Workflow

# you can select machines by Name:[NAME] or replace it with the Machines UUID value
drpcli machines workflow universal-linux-install

Or in the Portal (UX):

  • Go to the Machines in the left side menu
  • Select the check box for all Machines you wish to install
  • Select the Workflow tab in the top center Bulk Actions panel
  • Type in universal-linux-install
  • Hit the Play icon next to the drop down field

Step 4: Relax

The systems you have selected should now be passing through the Universal universal-linux-install Workflow. Based on the value of the Param linux/install-bootenv-override in the Profile you created, the select OS installer will be started and completed.

Additional Information

Additional resources and information related to this Knowledge Base article.

See Also

The Universal Workflows are extremely capable and can provide advanced zero touch controls of your infrastructure. There are many additional settings and behaviors available in the system. For more advanced usage and documentation, please see the following resources:


DRP v4.6.0 and newer, Universal v4.6.0 and newer


universal, linux install, universal-linux-install, zero touch

Revision Information

KB Article     :  kb-00061
initial release:  Tue Mar 23 17:47:27 PDT 2021
updated release:  Tue Mar 23 17:47:27 PDT 2021