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1000 Install Digital Rebar

15 Minutes introductory

Install your own Digital Rebar test server

Business ROI Unlike multi-tenant SaaS, Digital Rebar is user operated software: you’ll never have to open your firewall for us, share sensitive information or upload access credentials.

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  • install

Install Digital Rebar

Provision a Machine

Acquire a machine from your Virtual Machine Manager or Cloud Provider console.

These steps are also found in the [cloud install]( guide.

1. Instantiate a Linux machine with a recent version (most major variants are supported)
1. Have access to the Internet
No access? see [Air Gap install](
1. Provide at least 2 CPUs and 8 GB of RAM for a lab system
1. Make sure it has inbound access to SSH (22) and ports 8090-8092
For example, use
firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=22/tcp --add-port=8090-8092/tcp && firewall-cmd --reload
firewall-cmd --add-port=22/tcp --add-port=8090-8092/tcp && firewall-cmd --reload
1. Note the public IP address of the new instance
1. SSH to your new cloud instance
Cloud via Terraform uses steps in the [online Cloud install]( guide  Access to run [terraform]( with working AWS [credential and config]( files are needed to successfully complete this lab.

1. Download the cloud appropriate Terraform plan [AWS Cloud](, [Google](, [Azure](, [Digital Ocean](, or [Linode](
1. Run the Terraform plan
terraform init
terraform apply \
  -var="drp_username=rackn" -var="drp_password=myP4ssword"
The plan defaults to using your public key located at `~/.ssh/`.  You can specify an alternate public key file by appending `-var="ssh_pub_key=/path/to/"` to the `terraform apply` command.

1. Wait for Terraform to provide the DRP Server URL
1. Skip to the **Login and Register** step
The [Quick Start]( covers local Virtual Machine Manager or bare metal server.

1. Instantiate a Linux machine with a recent version (most major variants are supported)
1. Have network with access to the Internet
No access? see [Air Gap install](
1. Have a DHCP isolated network
For example in Virtualbox, provide a host only network with DHCP disabled.
1. Provide at least 2 CPUs and 8 GB of RAM for a lab system
1. Make sure it has inbound access to SSH (22) and ports 8090-8092
For example, use
firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=22/tcp --add-port=8090-8092/tcp && firewall-cmd --reload
firewall-cmd --add-port=22/tcp --add-port=8090-8092/tcp && firewall-cmd --reload
1. Note the access IP address of the new instance
1. Console or SSH to your new machine

Install Digital Rebar

Choose the an install method

1. Run the following
curl -fsSL | sudo bash -s -- install --universal
1. Run the following or pass it into the User Data during instance create
value=$(curl -sfL
# install Digital Rebar
curl -fsSL | sudo bash -s -- install --universal --ipaddr=$value
1. Run the following or pass it into the User Data during instance create
value=$(curl -sfL -H "Metadata-Flavor: Google" http://metadata/computeMetadata/v1/instance/network-interfaces/0/access-configs/0/external-ip)
# install Digital Rebar
curl -fsSL | sudo bash -s -- install --universal --ipaddr=$value
1. Run the following or pass it into the User Data during instance create
value=$(curl -H Metadata:true --noproxy "*" "")
# install Digital Rebar
curl -fsSL | sudo bash -s -- install --universal --ipaddr=$value
1. Run the following or pass it into the User Data during instance create
value=$(curl -sfL "")
# install Digital Rebar
curl -fsSL | sudo bash -s -- install --universal --ipaddr=$value
1. Run the following
curl -fsSL | sudo bash -s -- install --universal
1. Substitute the [public|access IP address] and run the following
value=[public|access IP address]
curl -fsSL | sudo bash -s -- install --universal --ipaddr=$value

Alternative options

Common additional install flags include

Argument Description
--version=tip Sets the install version to the latest instead of the current stable
--drp-user=[user] Adds a new super user to the endpoint
--drp-password=[pass] Sets the password for the current user (rocketskates) or the new user if specified.
--remove-rocketskates Removes the current rocketskates user if different than --drp-user
--drp-id=replaceme Sets the ID of the DRP Endpoint at install time

Login and Register

You can login when you see the Digital Rebar version after Waiting for dr-provision to start completes

  1. Visit your server's API url https://[public|access IP address]:8092

  2. Accept the unsigned certificate This must be done initially until you install a signed certificate.

  3. Login using the system username and password Default is rocketskates and r0cketsk8ts
  4. Complete the license form to create your license Or, upload your license if you've already created one.

Explore your system

We have a library of interactive labs to continue your journey!

  1. Visit Info and Preferences page to review the System Bootstrapping Wizard If you are using the default password, follow the "Change Default Password" link in the Wizard
  2. On the Machines page, observe the self-runner machine that was created during the installation to process If you have loggged in before installation completes, you can observe Digital Rebar completing the bootstrapping process. workflows for your Digital Rebar service.
  3. On the Jobs page, observe the jobs that were run during the universal bootstrap process to setup the machine
  4. On the Catalog page, check out the versions of all the components in use by Digital Rebar If you used stable to install, you can upgrade to tip for the latest code from this page.
  5. Visit the License Manager page, to extend your no-obligation trial license for a 30 days