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Provider Goals & Design Considerations

The goal for Terraform Provider for DRP is to replicate cloud-like behavior patterns common from cloud service providers. Specifically, the "give me a machine(s)" and "destroy my machine(s)" behavor. This implementation focuses on enabling that behavior with pools to ensure DRP operators maintain control and visibility at all times.

The Terraform Provider is not to be used for general DRP configuration operations. For this reason, only minimal API elements are exposed and there is no expectation that Terraform will manage or maintain any DRP state information.

Reliance on Workflows set in Pool

To ensure consistent operational control, the Terraform Provider is not allowed to set the Machine Workflow on allocate or release. Users of the Terraform Provider who want to attach Workflows to Allocation are required to create and manage Pools in DRP.


The Terrform Provider uses blocking (wait for) allocate requests when requesting machines from a pool. That means that the machine is not considered available for Terraform until the pool allocation Workflow completes. This is consistent with providers written for clouds that return only when the machine has been provisioned.


Terraform users will be able to pass-through DRP filters during allocation requests. This may require a degree of operational knowledge of the system to identify filterable values.

Configuration Points

Terraform users will be able to make the following changes to a machine during allocation (and will be automatically removed on release):

  • set a param (can be user defined) value on the machine
  • set a profile on a machine (must be pre-defined)
  • set an SSH key on the machine (helper that just sets access-keys Param)

The following items are not settable, but may be enabled in the future:

  • Machine.Description (could cause operational confusion)
  • Machine.Name (could cause issues with DNS)

Additional Resource Types

The Provider does not use additional resource types. Pool, Param and Profile could be added to help users identify available read-only resources.

Terraform Formatting Rules

The Terraform Provider complies with the Hashicorp syntax formatting requirements. For this reason, capitalization within the Provider will not match DRP.

Return Values

To reduce the potential for Machine state confusion, only a limited amount of information about the allocated machine(s) are returned to Terraform by the Provider. These include:

  • Machine.Name (translates to name)
  • Machine.Address (translatest to address)
  • Machine.Uuid (translates to id)
  • Machine.PoolStatus (translatest to status)

Using the Terraform Provider


The video was updated for v4.12 but applies to all versions (v4.8+) that support pools.


Before using the Terraform Provider, you must have DRP installed with at least one machine created. These machines could be VMs, Packet servers, physical servers or even empty DRP machine models.

Terraform v1.13+ must be installed on the system.

3rd Party Provider Stanza

The DRP provider is maintained by RackN under and not available via the Terraform community repositories (at this time); consequently, users must include the drp stanza in the terraform.required_providers block. By including the reference, Terraform will be able to automatically download the provider from the RackN managed repository.

The required_providers block is as follows:

terraform {
  required_version = ">= 0.13.0"
  required_providers {
    drp = {
      versions = ["2.0.0"]
      source = ""

DRP Access via Environment Variables (provider "drp")

If set, the provider will use the standard DRP environment variables for access:

  • RS_ENDPOINT for the endpoint [default ""]
  • RS_KEY for authentication [default "rocketskates:r0cketsk8ts"]

You can also define specialized behavior for the Ansible inventory

  • RS_TOKEN if you have defined an access token


These values can also be set in the provider block.

Basic Resource Allocation/Release (resource "drp_machine")

When Terraform is applied, the drp_machine resource block will call the pool allocate API. The release action is called when the Terraform destroys the machine.

The design attempts to be "cloud-like" and assumes that DRP operators will control the allocation and release actions behind these requests using Pool definitions.

It is important to understand that the Terraform provider is not creating or destroying machines in this process. It is simply assigning machines from a pool to the Terraform user during the apply operation. For that reason, the provider exposes relatively few operational controls to Terraform.


Operators can manually operate pools using drpcli pools manage.

Enhanced Allocation Options

During allocation, Terraform users can include several aspects of the machines being allocated.

The primary choice for users is to select the pool from which to reserve machines. DRP automatically enables the default pool so no changes are required; however, operators may wish to provide more options by creating pools. The Terraform provider does not offer a way to create or change pools.

The following items may be used to influence allocations:

  • add_profiles: list of profiles to add to the allocated machine (profile must exist)
  • add_parameters: list of parameters (with values) to add to the allocated machine
  • authorized_keys: list of ssh keys to add to the allocated machine (set via access-keys Param)
  • filters: list of filter instructions used to further select machines from the pool.

The provider does not provide any additional options for destroy, but it will unwind all the choices made during allocation.

Output Values

After allocation, the provider sets key values for provider users. These include:

  • machine_id: maps to Machine.Uuid
  • machine_ip: maps to Machine.Address
  • machine_name: maps to Machine.Name
  • status: maps to Machine.PoolStatus

Example Terraform Plan

The following example plan represents all the available options in the comments.

terraform {
    required_version = ">= 0.13.0"
    required_providers {
      drp = {
        versions = ["2.0.0"]
        source = ""

provider "drp" {
   username = "rocketskates" password = "r0cketsk8ts"
   endpoint = "<>"

   # token = will read from
   RS_TOKEN if set # key = will read from RS_KEY if set

resource "drp_machine" "one_random_node" {

    # Required values
    # there are none!

    # Settable values
    # pool = name of an existing DRP pool (defaults to "default")
    # timeout = time string for max wait time (default to 5m)

    # List of public SSH keys to be installed (written as Param.access-keys)
    # authorized_keys = ["ssh key"]

    # List of profiles to apply to node (must already exist)
    # add_profiles = ["mandy", "clause"]

    # list of parameters to set with their string value forms
    # add_parameters = ["param1: value1", "param2: value2"]

    # list of filters to reduce the nodes to draw from.
    # follows the drpcli command line pattern
    # filters = ["filter1=value1","filter2=value2"]

    # Returned values
    # name = machine name
    # address = machine address
    # status = machine status (typically "InUse")


output "machine_ip" {
   value = drp_machine.one_random_node.address description =
   "Machine.Address (the Machine's primary IP)"

output "machine_id" {
   value = description =

output "machine_name" {
   value = description =