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Object Metadata

Common Object Metadata

Metadata values are used throughout DRP for both UX and operational controls. You can find them in the object hierarchy as <Object>.Meta.

Models can contain other common fields that may be present for user edification and API tracking purposes, but that do not affect how dr-provision will use or interpret changes to the objects.

Field Description
ReadOnly A boolean value that indicates whether the object can be modified via the API. This field is set to True if the object was loaded from a read-only content layer.
Description A brief description for the object that is only one line long.
Documentation A longer description of what the object is for and how it should be used that is generally a few lines to a few paragraphs long.
Field Description
icon: [icon name] Sets the icon for the object. The icons are available from fontawesome.
color: [color name] Sets the icon color for the object.

Validation Metadata

Models also contain common fields that track the validity and availability of individual objects.

Field Description
Validated A boolean value that indicates whether a given object is semantically valid or not. Semantically invalid objects will never be saved, and if one is returned via the API, it will be populated with a list of messages indicating what is invalid.
Available a boolean value that indicates whether the object is available to be used, not whether it is semantically valid. An object that is invaild can never be available, while an object that is not available can be semantically valid.
Errors a list of strings that contain any error messages that occurred in the process of checking whether a given object is valid and available. Error messages are designed to be human readable.


Objects are checked for validity and availability on initial startup of DRP (when they are all loaded into memory), and thereafter every time they are updated. You must check each object returned from an API interaction to ensure that it is valid and available before using it.


There are several meta fields that can be used to adjust on screen display for params. The following items are commonly used on all object types to provide UX rendering guides.

Field Description
password: [anyvalue] Renders as password that is not encrypted, but obfuscated.
clipboard: [anyvalue] Provides a copy button so user can copy the param contents to clipboard.
readonly: [anyvalue] Prevents editing from the UX.
render: link Adds an https://%5Bvalue%5D link field that opens in a new tab.
render: multiline Presents a textarea for string inputs.
render: raw Presents textarea to user instead of regular edit and does not reformat.
downloadable: [file name] Provides a download link so user can download the param contents as a file.
route: [object name] When included, the UX will provide a link to the underlying object as per the param value.

Machine.Meta Options

Field Description Value
BaseContext: [context] Lets DRP know what the base context is for the machine when going back to a known context.
machine-role: [role] Set by DRP and should not be edited. It lets DRP know what the type of machine this object is. self, machine, cluster, or resource-broker
pipeline the name of the executed pipeline and set by DRP during pipeline execution to allow operators to trace jobs across a pipeline run.
pipeline-uuid A unique ID for each executed pipeline and set by DRP during pipeline execution to allow operators to trace jobs across a pipeline run.

Cluster.Meta controls

Field Description Value
no-cluster: "true" Tells the cluster and resource broker create that this parameter or profile should not be added to the special profile during object create.
BaseContext: [context] Lets DRP know what the base context is for the machine when going back to a known context
machine-role: [role] Is set by DRP and should not be edited. It lets DRP know what the type of machine this object is. self, machine, cluster, or resource-broker
pipeline: The name of the executed pipeline and set by Digital Rebar during Pipeline execution to allow operators to trace jobs across a pipeline run.
pipeline-uuid" Is a unique ID for each executed pipeline and set by DRP during pipeline execution to allow operators to trace jobs across a pipeline run.

ResourceBroker.Meta controls

Field Description Value
no-cluster: "true" Tells the cluster and resource broker create that this parameter or profile should not be added to the special profile during object create.
BaseContext: [context] Lets DRP know what the base context is for the machine when going back to a known context
machine-role: [role] Set by DRP and should not be edited. It lets DRP know what the type of machine this object is. self, machine, cluster, or resource-broker
pipeline: The name of the executed pipeline and set by DRP during pipeline execution to allow operators to trace jobs across a pipeline run.
pipeline-uuid A unique ID for each executed pipeline and set by DRP during pipeline execution to allow operators to trace jobs across a pipeline run.

Pipeline options

The following Meta values are used to help the UX offer an simplified experience for operators.

General guidelines for required components of Pipeline metadata

The chain-map tasks and values are exceptions.

Field Description Value
pipeline: The name of the executed pipeline and set by DRP during pipeline execution to allow operators to trace jobs across a pipeline run.
pipeline-uuid A unique ID for each executed pipeline and set by DRP during pipeline execution to allow operators to trace jobs across a pipeline run.


Field Description Value
universal Describes the entry point for the workflow.
The entry point for pipelines. start
Performs provision operations for pipelines. provision


Field Description Value
pipeline Used to filter user created pipeline Profiles.
Do not include with universal-application profiles. Use value from application.
Create/deletes/manages other machines. cluster
Manages the machine assigned. machine
The type of pipeline. application
Create/deletes/manages other machines. cluster
Manages the machine assigned. machine
platform The platform or vendor target for the pipeline. linode, aws, google, azure
centos, rocky, ubuntu, esxi, windows
major For versioned systems, this identifies major version.
minor For versioned systems, this identifies minor version.
required UX form renderer for parameters that must have values. Example field value
optional UX form renderer for parameters that may have values. Example field value


Field Description Value
workflow UX helper points back to the workflow using this stage.
phase UX helper to identify the phase of the work. base, pre, mid, post
action UX helper to identify to type of work. classification, validation, flexiflow


Field Description
flow-comment Used by UX to provide side-effect information in the triggers flow visualization.
triggered-by Set by DRP when a trigger uses a blueprint to create a work order.
It can be retrieved in a task using {{get .WorkOrder.Meta "triggered-by"}}.


Field Description
flow-comment Used by UX to provide side-effect information in the triggers flow visualization.


Field Description
triggered-by Set by DRP when a trigger uses a blueprint to create a work order.
Can be retrieved in a task using {{get .WorkOrder.Meta "triggered-by"}}.

Legacy & Non-Operational Meta

The following Meta fields are often included in objects but has no UX or operational impact on the system:

Field Description
feature-flags Legacy setting needed by earlier DRP for backwards compatability.
Always set to sane-exit-codes
title Provides optional authorship information. Often set automatically to "User added" by the UX when creating new objects.
copyright Provides optional authorship information
type Unimplemented attempt to standardize icon and color information (It should be remove when found).