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This Cloud install guide provides a multi-cloud management focused installation process that runs DRP inside a Cloud Provider using Resource Brokers.


Acquire a Linux Cloud or Virtual instance. It should have at least 4 Gb or RAM and 20 Gb of storage available for a long term system. Short term trials can use as little as 1 CPU and 1 Gb of RAM.

You must provide access to 8092/tcp, 8091/tcp, and 8090/tcp (default ports) to access Digital Rebar. Openning ports varies depending on the provider.

Install via Terraform

For users who are comfortable with Terraform, RackN maintains quickstart plans for popular clouds that automatically allocated and bootstrap Digital Rebar as per the Install process below. While they should work "out of the box", Operations should review the plans and modify them to fit their environment. If missing, plans will prompt for required values.

Precreated Terraform Plans:

This example shows how to use the above scripts with Terraform. Remember that Terraform will complete the provisioning request before Digital Rebar is installed so it will take additional time for the installation to complete.

# replace with the cloud provider TF file from above
curl -o
terraform init
terraform apply -var="drp_username=rackn" -var="drp_password=myHardP4ssword"

When using these plans, we strongly recommend passing values as shown to override the default username and password variables drp_username and drp_password to override the default username and password during installation.


terraform apply -var="drp_username=rackn" -var="drp_password=myHardP4ssword"


You can also set drp_version and drp_id via Terraform variables.

When Terraform completes, it outputs the identity and URL information. Please note that it will take additional time for the install to complete. Since the API is available during the self-bootstrap, users are able login during that phase of the installation and observe the processes.

Install via manual create

To begin, execute the following commands in an SSH session or during instance cloud-init process:

The example is for AWS clouds because using it's API to get the public IP address for Digital Rebar. For other clouds, replace the API call with the one for that platform or manually provide the public IP.

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# AWS specific API call
value=$(curl -sfL
# Google: value=$(curl -sfL -H "Metadata-Flavor: Google" http://metadata/computeMetadata/v1/instance/network-interfaces/0/access-configs/0/external-ip)
# Azure: value=$(curl -H Metadata:true --noproxy "*" "")
# Digital Ocean: value=$(curl -sfL
curl -fsSL | sudo bash -s -- install --universal --version=tip --ipaddr=$value

The command will download the tip DRP bundle and checksum from github, extract the files, verify prerequisites are installed, and create needed directories and links under /var/lib/dr-provision. The --version flag included for clarity, they are not required for this install. The systemctl service name is dr-provision

The install script used by our installs has many additional options including remove that are documented in its help and explored in other install guides.

Once the installation script completes, a Digital Rebar endpoint will be running your instance!

At this point, you should finish configuration and continue post-install setup.

Clusters and Brokers

These instructions apply to v4.8 and later.

Universal installation automatically build the correct container infrastructure for cloud clusters and brokers.

Create a resource broker using one of the cloud resource profiles. The UX wizard will assist you in selecting a cloud resource profile and adding the required configuration parameters.

Create a cluster via the UX cluster wizard and select your broker. The system will automatically create the machines to back the cluster using a generated Terraform plan based on your broker inputs.

Clean Up

Once you are finished exploring Digital Rebar Provision in the cloud, cleanup any clusters that you created that will remove the created VMs. You can then remove the instance.