Filter Syntax

To filter by indexes, you can use the following stanzas:

  • index Eq value This will return items Equal to value according to index

  • index Ne value This will return items Not Equal to value according to index

  • index Lt value This will return items Less Than value according to index

  • index Lte value This will return items Less Than Or Equal to value according to index

  • index Gt value This will return items Greater Than value according to index

  • index Gte value This will return items Greater Than Or Equal to value according to index

  • index Re re2 compatible regular expression This will return items in index that match the passed-in regular expression We use the regular expression syntax described at

  • index Between lower upper This will return items Greater Than Or Equal to lower and Less Than Or Equal to upper according to index

  • index Except lower upper This will return items Less Than lower or Greater Than upper according to index

  • index In comma,separated,list,of,values This will return any items In the set passed for the comma-separated list of values.

  • index Nin comma,separated,list,of,values This will return any items Not In the set passed for the comma-separated list of values.

You can chain any number of filters together, and they will pipeline into each other as appropriate.

By default, the list functionality does NOT aggregate parameters for searching. Adding aggregate=true will enable searching of attached profiles for values.

For complex queries, the raw= filter can be used to pass a filter string with template expansion pieces. The raw field is added to other filters provided The result of expansion should be a space separated set of filter functions from above.

An example:

raw={{ .Param "trigger/runner-target" }} Meta.color=pink

You can use filter to specify a Filter object to use as the basis for this query.