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Developing Documentation

As an open ecosystem project, we encourage community feedback and involvement. Docs can be updated by pull requests against the GitLab repository either from a private tree or directly against the tree.

A couple of notes about consistency.

  1. Digital Rebar is the name of the parent project and can be abbreviated DR.
  2. Digital Rebar Provision or DR Provision or DRP can be used to reference this part of the project.
  3. API docs generated from the go files as part of swagger annotations of the godoc comments. Update there, please.
  4. CLI docs generated from the cli files as part of cobra structures. The tools generate those. Update there, please.

Otherwise, try and find a good place for what needs to be added. And Thanks!

Developing Knowledge Base Articles

Please see the rs_kb_00000 document for information on developing knowledge base articles.

Documentation Tooling

There are a lot of ways to work with ReStructuredText. Below is only one possible way of setting up a working environment to ensure you are writing clean RST based documentation. This method is designed to be as lightweight as possible, while still being as accurate as possible with the final rendered doc changes. There are a lot of editors tha will render RST formatted markup, but very few of them render it the same way, or similar enough to the final rendered documentation styles to be correct.

This process uses the following elements:

  1. Install Sphinx to correctly render the RST markup text to HTML
  2. Edit the doc in any text editor of your preference (eg vim, atom, emacs, etc.)
  3. Use a terminal window with a watch function to rebuild the HTML document tree
  4. Use a web browser with an auto-refresh extension to view the rendered HTML

Building FAQ or Knowledge Base Articles

The format for Knowledge Base Articles are controlled. To create a new article, please see KB article rs_kb_00000.

Install and Setup Sphinx and Swagger

These setup steps were tested and verified on a Mac platform. However, they should be the same for Linux.


This needs to be python3 with a version of 3.7.0 or better. On some systems, pip and pyhton reference version 2. The following commands should reference the version 3 instances of the commands. pip3 and python3 may need to be substituted.

1.Install pip

sudo easy_install pip

2.Install Sphinx

pip install Sphinx


for more detailed information, please review the Sphinx website on how to install it, at:

3.Install SwaggerDoc Library

Perform this step from the root of the project

sudo -H pip install -r requirements.txt

Common errors

If you receive an error message on your first HTML tree build (when you run make html) similar to:

sphinx-build -b html -d _build/doctrees . _build/html Running Sphinx v1.6.5 Extension error: Could not import extension sphinxcontrib.swaggerdoc (exception: No module named swaggerdoc) make: *** [html] Error 1

You will need to build and install the swaggerdoc components manually. To do so, do the following:

git clone
cd sphinx-swaggerdoc/
sudo python  install
cd ..
rm -rf sphinx-swaggerdoc/

Editing Docs

  1. Checkout/clone the Digital Rebar Provision repo from GitLab
  2. Modify the doc(s) as appropriate
  3. Verify the modifications are rendered correctly and fix errors/warnings
  4. Create a branch
  5. Submit a pull request for your changes

Rebuild the HTML Rendered Docs

To assist with editing/reviewing your changes, you will want to rebuild the RST format documentation to rendered HTMl. The Sphinx package is used to do this. Generally, you simply change to the base git cloned Provision directory, and do:

# from the cloned provision root
virtualenv -p `which python3` `pwd`/venv
. venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
make html

The documentation build process will attempt to re-download all needed files all the time. To avoid this, you can touch the file, skip-doc-download, to skip the download process. You should do a full download at least once.

If you are making a lot of changes, you will want to use a file watching utility to see watch for file writes, and automatically kick the make html process off for you.

On Mac OS X - you can install the fswatch package:

brew install fswatch

An example use would be:

# cd to the base Provision git directory
fswatch -o -0 -r doc | xargs -0 -n 1 -I {} make html

Now, any time any changes are made to the files in the doc/ directory, the make html process will be automatically kicked off for you. You should run this in a separate terminal window.

View Your Doc Edits Locally

Once you've run make html as above, the _RSTr_ format files will be built into _HTML_ generated versions. You can view the effects of your changes by opening your web browser up, and navigating to the _HTML_ generated docs on your local disk. The below path example references my home directory, and GitHub path location. You'll have to modify this to your local User and location where you've stored your GitHub clone.

Point your browser to the on-disk rendered location (which is the _build/ directory in the base git repo on disk). For example:


Auto-Refresh Browser

The last piece of the puzzle, you will want to set your web browser to auto-refresh a given tab or window. This way, the HTML rendered documentation will be refreshed in the browser. There are several add-ons/extensions that will do this for you. Here at RackN we have used the following extensions:

  1. Chrome Auto Refresh Plus extension:
  1. Firefox Tab Reloader add-on (works on Chrome, Firefox, and Opera; but limited to 10 second reloads as minimum reload time):

Simply set your browser tab to refresh every 5 or so seconds.

Final Steps Before Committing

Once you are satisfied with your changes, you need to do a complete clean build of the doc tree. To do this, you do the following:

rm -rf _build
rm -rf _build

Fix all warnings and errors you introduced. If you are authoring or fixing docs for content-packages or plugin_providers, remember to use thedoc-override directory to test your built content pack docs.

Hints and Tips for Content Packs and Plugin Providers

Here are some tips for building and writing documentation for Content Packs and Plugin Providers.

Content Pack RST File

For a content pack, you will need to do the following to get the documentation file from the content pack. For this example, we will assume that your content pack is in the directory, example. You will need to do the following steps. Only the last is different from your probable normal test procedure. This also assumes that drpcli is in your path.

cd example
drpcli contents bundle ../example.yaml
drpcli contents document ../example.yaml > ../example.rst

At this point, you can copy the ../example.rst file to the doc-override directory in your digitalrebar/provision tree and follow the same build and view process.

Plugin Provider RST File

For a plugin provider, you will need to use the tools/ command. Once you completed editing your content section of your Plugin Provider, you will need to build it. Using example again, you would do the following:

drpcli contents document ../example.yaml > ../example.rst

This will generate an example.rst in the cmds/example directory. This file can then be copied to the doc-override directory in your digitalrebar/provision tree and follow the same build and view process.

Header Section Levels

The file ._Documentation.meta, inside a content pack or the content portion of a plugin provider, should be RST format. The build tools will automatically bundle the content pieces into a build product file. This fill will be upload to an Amazon S3 bucket when the build completes. The sphinx config file,, controls what gets included from the Amazon S3 bucket and downloaded in the content-packages directory. Thecontent-packages.rst file is a simple all-inclusive TOC of files contained in content-packages.

Within the ._Documenation.meta file, section separations must follow this hierarchy because the tools add pieces to the top to make the page consolidate and show in the table of contents correctly.

Reserved for the Title of the content pack or plugin provider
Next level down - all new sections in ._Documentation.meta should at the level
Next level down - within the higher sections
Next level down - within the higher sections
Next level down - within the higher sections

The goal of the ._Documentation.meta insert is that it can add a descriptive set of information at the highest level and then start creating sub-sections as needed. The build process will append second level (-------------) sections for all the included object types within the content.

Here is an example of a ._Documentation.meta file in the example content package:

This is the main descriptive section.

## SubSection1

### SubSection1Sub1

### SubSection1Sub2

## SubSection2

### SubSection2Sub1
This is the main descriptive section.

## SubSection1

### SubSection1Sub1

### SubSection1Sub2

## SubSection2

### SubSection2Sub1

If the content package, example, were rendered it would produce a single file:

.. Copyright (c) 2017 RackN Inc.
.. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
.. Digital Rebar Provision documentation under Digital Rebar master license
.. index::
  pair: example; Content Packages

.. _rs_cp_example:


This is the main descriptive section.

## SubSection1

### SubSection1Sub1

### SubSection1Sub2

## SubSection2

### SubSection2Sub1

### params

This content package provides the following params.


Documentation entry from the example-cool-param.yaml file.

<<< for all the included object types >>>